You Should Know C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Göstergeleri

You Should Know C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Göstergeleri

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GetEnumerator(); Örneğimizde bir “Personel” sınıfı oluşturup, “Personeller” sınıfı içerisinde müteallik sınıfın koleksiyon yapkaloriı ve bu koleksiyona bilgi ekleme işlevini fail Add metodunu tanımladım. GetEnumerator metodu içinde ise koleksiyonumuzun GetEnumerator() metodu sebebiyle bir enumerator elde edip return ettim.

If you tasavvur to build a public API, it's better to use IEnumerable than List, because you better use the most minimalistic interface/class. List lets you access objects by index if that's required.

I understand why IQueryable is better choice for "out-of-memory" veri but I am struggling to understand why IEnumerable is better for "in-memory" data? I still think it's better to get filtered veri than to get get data and apply filter.

Consider that in your code example a new list created. I don't know what is m_states, but if this is a value types collection, you create a clone of the original list. In this way the returning list can be manipulated form the caller Add/Remove/Update elements. without

In C# 4 and earlier the object obj; is declared outside of the while loop, this changes the behavior of the loop when working with things that capture variables like anonymous functions.

Why do many philosophers consider a past-eternal universe to be self-explanatory but not a universe that began with no cause?

C# 8.0, bu sınıfların asenkron karşılıkları olarak düşenebileceğimiz Asynchronous Streams temellığı şeşndaki IAsyncEnumerable ve IAsyncEnumerator alternatiflerini getirmiş bulunmaktadır.

So, the first example evaluates the query immediately by calling ToList and putting the query results in a list.

So you have a common IEnumerator-implementing class for all ten, and each collection just başmaklık to implement IEnumerable using that enumerating class. It's about separation of concerns, treating holding data and enumerating veri as separate operations.

When you write a query using IEnumerable you are using the advantages of deferred execution and your query running when it accessed.

And that might be useful and more efficient in certain cases. For example, your class might derece hold any collection in memory, but rather iterate over all files existing in a certain directory, or items in certain DB, or other unmanaged resources. IEnumerable hayat step in and do it for you (you could also do it C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı without IEnumerable, but IEnumerable "fits" conceptually, plus it gives you the benefit of being able to use the object produced in a foreach loop).

Generally, don't worry about what's actually in the IEnumerables, bey it will be completely different from your actual code. Only worry about the actual output when you iterate over it :)

Reed CopseyReed Copsey 561k7979 C# IStructuralComparable Nasıl kullanılır gold badges1.2k1.2k silver badges1.4k1.4k bronze badges 3 2 I agree strongly with your point about decoupling from the implementation, but I also think there's a point for making clear the expected usage; even if I have a List, referring to it kakım IEnumerable makes it clear that the C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı functionality I'm expecting from the collection in that usage is the enumerability functionality, and hamiş any of the other C# IStructuralComparable Temel Özellikleri List functionality.

Here is why it loads twice as fewer items kakım the first example on average. Let's say probability to find element at any position in the range C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı of files is the same.

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